Jaewoo Sim
Attorney (Affiliate Counsel)

Attorney who focuses on Startup and Intellectual Property
Mr. Jaewoo Sim is an experienced startup attorney specializing corporate and intellectual law in South Korean Jurisdictions.
After qualifying as a Korean patent attorney in 2006 and a Korean attorney at law in 2012, and completing his military service as a legal officer in 2015, Mr. Sim has been practicing as a lawyer at a law firm since then, where he has specialized in various corporate advisory, M&A, investment contracts, and dispute resolution matters. He is particularly experienced in customized legal services for startups and small businesses, and is dedicated to achieving optimal results based on his rich practical experience and in-depth legal knowledge.
SIM & PARTNERS, 대표변호사, 2025-현재
법무법인 별, 파트너 변호사, 2021-2024
법무법인 세움, 변호사, 2015-2021
대한민국 법무부, 법무관, 2012-2015
성균관대학교 법학전문대학원, 법학, 석사, 2009-2012
서울대학교 공과대학, 기계항공공학, 학사, 2003-2009
천안북일 고등학교, 2000-2003
Admissions and Qualification
변호사 (한국)
변리사 (한국)